2023-2024 ուստարվա հետազոտական աշխատանքների թեմաներ

1.Metaphors in publicistic text 
Փոխաբերությունը հրապարակախոսական տեսքստում

Introduction What is publicistic style? The concept of publicistic text. Publicistic Text in Modern Media Discourse and its Impact on the Audience. What is a metaphor? What does the publicist style include?
Chapter One Lexico -semantic peculiarities of publicistic style. Publicistic style in the English language.
The Emotional Appeal of Publicistic Style
Chapter Two Peculiarities of the metaphors rendering in texts of publicistic style. Linguocultural features of publicistic metaphor and the problem of its translation from English into the native language. Some examples of metaphors’ usage.

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